Daniel has been a self-described “computer geek” since his youth, when he made weekly visits to his local Radio Shack store to beg the manager for hands-on time with the TRS80 computer. An early science fair project found Daniel, then 13, writing code that created an animated “stick figure” graphic display loop. His teachers rated the project an “F” and told the young programmer that there was no category in the science fair for computers. Welcome to 1978! In 1992, after serving as a Computer/Communications Officer in the U.S. Air Force, Daniel started Mindfulware, a computer software consultant group. His new team of talented “Digital Blacksmiths” had one simple goal: create high quality custom desktop software that was both easy to use and reliable for business use. One of Mindfulware’s first clients requested a system that would allow agents to calculate long term care insurance rates quickly and accurately. The two goals for the software were simple and created by the agents involved: 1. “Make it easier for me to do business with this insurance carrier.” 2. “Get me my check faster!” Mindfulware now has custom systems covering nearly every type of insurance sold by an agent. In addition, it has expanded services to include the entire application process, directly connecting the agents to the carriers involved. Now, the time from client acceptance to paperwork delivered to the home office can be under 60 seconds! Mindfulware’s current projects include support for newer platforms such as web-based and tablet compatible systems for agents and automated group enrollment systems. Daniel is also a proud homeschooling father of 4 and when not working can be found with his son raiding dungeons in the online video game World of Warcraft as a level 93 fire mage.
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